Sanitary measures


Sanitary measures

The health and safety of our Guests and Employees is always our top priority. Accordingly, a wide range of health and safety measures in keeping with the guidelines of the World Health Organization, as well as those of the National and Regional Health Authorities, have been instituted by our dedicated Team.

Behind the scene in the "invisible" work area dedicated to our Employees we have implemented barriers and appropriate social distancing. The cleaning frequency of all areas has been increased and each Employee has access to disposable masks and sanitizer.

We are working to guarantee the best experiences to our Guests:

  • Face masks and gloves will be available to Guests upon request, as well as antiseptic solution dispensers.
  • Antiseptic solution dispensers will be available on all counters.
  • All surfaces and objects will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces in public areas will be carried out regularly, with appropriate products. This includes handrails, elevator floor buttons, counters, door and window handles, washroom taps, among others.
  • Ventilation in public areas will be checked regularly every day to ensure indoor air quality.
  • All public toilets will be equipped with antiseptic solutions for hand hygiene and disinfection.
  • Lifts can only be used by 2 people at the same time and all areas of the lift will be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Room cleaning will follow a set of rules to ensure accurate disinfection and hygiene. Procedures will be monitored by our Housekeeping Service and appropriately communicated to Guests.
  • If you wish to have your room cleaned during your absence, please contact the Reception desk in advance.
  • Room cleaning will follow a set of rules to ensure accurate disinfection and hygiene. Procedures will be monitored by our Housekeeping Service and appropriately communicated to Guests.
  • If you wish to have your room cleaned during your absence, please contact the Reception desk in advance.
  • Rooms will be completely cleaned with the recommended antiseptic products, after each departure.
  • Access to our gardens and exterior areas is free and with no obligation of wearing masks - we remind that masks are mandatory only inside.
  • Bills and other documents related to your stay will be sent by email - shall you request a paper form, please make sure to mention it at the Reception desk.
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